Friday, November 29, 2013

What balances an airplane in the air?

Travelling by air is currently the fastest form of transportation. Of course, like other forms of transportation, there have been improvements in speed, luxury, and safety of airplanes over the years. One question you may have forgotten to ponder though is how does an airplane attain balance in the air like a bird with two wing...

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Microsoft’s game console, Xbox One went on sale on the 22nd of November in 13 countries and Microsoft has revealed that the console has sold over 1 million units in the 13 markets. This is a week after its big rival Sony announced that PS4 hit over a million sales in its first day in the North American marke...

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Quotes for the Week: Archimedes (287 – 212BC)

Archimedes was a Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and astronomer. He is popularly known for his work on the Archimedes’ principle, Archimedes’ screw, hydrostatics, levers and infinitesimal...

Friday, November 22, 2013

What the most important component of a smartphone does

Over the past few years, mobile phone usage has been gradually moving from feature phones to smartphones and it is no surprise that smartphones now have more sales than feature phones worldwid...

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Instagram now on Windows Phone

After a year and eight months that Instagram debuted on Android, the photo sharing app is now available on the Windows Phone Store for users on the Windows Phone platfor...

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Yahoo to encrypt all user data by 2014 – CEO

Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer has revealed in a blog post on the official Yahoo Tumblr page that the company will extend its high security layer to all its products to continue to secure information of users from spying eyes and to consolidate users’ trus...

Interesting Facts you need to know about Android

Today, it is more difficult not to know android than it is to know the most popular operating system in the smartphone world. Google has brought the operating system a long way to make it the market leader in a very tight market which has surpassed the feature phone...

Monday, November 18, 2013

Sony sells more than a million PlayStation 4s in one day!

Sony has announced that its latest gaming console which was recently released in North America, PlayStation 4 had more than 1 million sales in its first 24 hours on the market after it was released into the market on the 15th of Novembe...

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Quotes for the Week: James Clerk Maxwell (1831 - 1879)

James C. Maxwell was a Scottish mathematical physicist who lived in the 19th century and rocked the world of physics in a special way that will never be forgotten in the history of science and physics especiall...

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Facebook Page or Group? Different purposes...

Undoubtedly, Facebook is now the biggest social media site around and the ultimate place to meet people you care about online. Apart from interpersonal activities on the social site, Facebook has also made it possible for people with the same interests to discuss and receive information about their interest...

Friday, November 15, 2013

Android increases market share as Lenovo displaces LG

New data from analytics company, Gartner Inc., has revealed that mobile phones sales in the third quarter of 2013 increased to a figure of 455.6 million units which is a 5.7% increase from the 431 million units in the same period last yea...

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Snapchat rejects Facebook’s $3bn offer

According to reports from the Wall Street Journal, growing messaging service, Snapchat has spurned a $3 billion acquisition offer from the biggest social media site, Faceboo...

Want an internet library? Try this social site...

Social media sites are known for connecting people, but over the years, it cannot be argued that a load of information has been passed through the popular social media sites. Social media sites take a chunk of the time people use online which makes it a very important part of the internet experience. People now spend 20% of the time online on social media sites according to Nielsen at the end...

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Blackberry fires boss, no more going private

Ailing Canadian smartphone maker, Blackberry, has revealed that its current boss, Thorsten Heins, will be replaced by John Chen to launch another try at the smartphone business which has been abysmal for the company in recent times. Blackberry has also cancelled the plans to take it private by Fairfax Financial Holding...

Monday, November 4, 2013

First ever YouTube Music Awards: Winners

Google’s video giant, YouTube has delivered its first ever video awards which took place in New York with other events in Seoul, London, Moscow and Rio de Janeiro. The event was streamed live on the video site and some surprises were involve...

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Quotes for the Week: Galileo Galilei (1564 - 1642)

The Italian scientist and astronomer who is famously dubbed the father of science and the father of observational astronomy in some quarters had tremendous achievements in the field of physics and astronomy even at a time when there were many opposition...

Saturday, November 2, 2013

iPads lost market share to Android tablets last quarter

A new report from International Data Corporation (IDC) has revealed that despite Apple selling a bit more ipads this quarter than the same period last year, it lost a chunk of its market share because android sold much more tablets in compariso...

Friday, November 1, 2013

Facebook’s quarter results shows declining youth usage

The biggest social site, Facebook has revealed its results for the last quarter. Facebook had a remarkable result for the quarter even exceeding analysts’ prediction but the only negative was that teen usage on the social site reduced during the quarte...