Sunday, June 30, 2013

Quotes for the week: Michael Faraday (1791-1867)

Michael Faraday was a British physicist that contributed greatly to the development of Physics, Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

Michael Faraday proposed the theory of electromagnetic induction which is one of the basic foundations of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Although, there are reports that American physicist Joseph Henry discovered electromagnetic induction before Michael Faraday, Faraday is credited for the theory because Henry failed to publish his findings.
Michael Faraday Pic

Michael Faraday was also responsible for coining words like electrolysis, anode, and cathode. The unit of capacitance, farad, was named in his honour. Below are some of his quotes while he was alive:

Nothing is too wonderful to be true if it be consistent with the laws of nature.

The five essential skills for success are concentration, discrimination, organization, innovation and communication.

The important thing is to know how to take all things quietly.

I have far more confidence in the one man who works mentally and bodily at a matter than in the six who merely talk about it.

There is no more open door by which you can enter into the study of natural philosophy than by considering the physical phenomenal of a candle.

The secret is comprised in three words – work, finish, publish.

Speculations? I have none. I am resting on certainties.

The beauty of electricity or of any other force is not that the power is mysterious, and unexpected, touching every sense at unawares in turn, but that it is under law, and that the taught intellect can even now govern it largely.

But still try, for who knows what is possible…

A great week pals.


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