Friday, January 31, 2014

Afraid of losing your wallet/purse? Fear no more…

Many have had the experience of misplacing their wallet or purse and had to search endlessly for it before finding it or in some unlucky cases, not finding it at all. In this process, many important materials in the wallet had been lost. But that will not happen again with the introduction of a Bluetooth device called Smart Wallit Pr...

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Google Inc. has announced that it has decided to sell the smartphone unit of Motorola Mobility to Chinese company Lenovo, in a deal that is valued at $2.91 billion and will see Google retain most of Motorola’s important patent...

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Chrome apps will now run on Android and iOS

Google has announced on the official Chrome blog that Chrome apps will now be able to run on Android and iOS devices due to a toolchain which is based on Apache Cordov...

Monday, January 27, 2014

Researchers at Princeton University has predicted that the most popular social network site, Facebook could see a mass exodus of up to 80% of its users between 2015 and 201...

Samsung and Google sign important agreement

Samsung Electronics Co. ltd has announced that it had signed an agreement with Google Inc. that involves global cross-license patents. This agreement covers both companies’ existing patents and those filed over the next 10 year...

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Quotes for the Week: Gordon Moore (1929 - )

Gordon Moore is the co-founder of Intel Corporation and also the person behind Moore’s law about semiconductors. He is a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom and IEEE Medal of Honor in 200...

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Lenovo acquires IBM’s server business

Lenovo has announced on Thursday that it is set to acquire IBM’s x86 server business which System x, BladeCenter and Flex System products for $2.3bn. $2bn will be paid in cash by the Chinese company while the rest will be paid with Lenovo’s stoc...

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Sorry, you’ll now see less text posts from Facebook pages

Facebook has revealed through its Product Manager, News Feed Ranking, Chris Turitzin in a blog post that users of Facebook will see less of text updates from pages and more text updates from their friends. It was also revealed that other types of contents from pages could get more rank in the news feed than befor...

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Most of ATMs worldwide run on outdated OS

Microsoft Corporation has decided that it will stop support for its 12-year old operating system (OS), Windows XP on the 8th of April, 2014 and automated teller machines (ATMs) are set to be the most affecte...

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Quotes for the Week: David Packard (1912 - 1996)

David Packard was the co-founder of the tech company Hewlett-Packard which he co-founded with William Hewlett in 1939. David Packard was also the deputy secretary of Defense of the United States under the administration of Richard Nixo...

Friday, January 17, 2014

Google announced on the 16th of January that it was going to embark on a project that would help diabetics monitor their blood sugar level whenever it is too low or too high. Managing diabetes is a hard task for diabetics and a technology is needed to make detection of sugar levels in the blood easie...
Yahoo has announced that its Chief Operating Officer Henrique De Castro has left the company after working with the company for only 15 months. De Castro was the major hire of CEO Marissa Mayer after he took over in 201...

Thursday, January 16, 2014

According to rumour from Mobile Review’s Eldar Murtazin, Microsoft has approached Samsung, Huawei, Sony and other smartphone manufacturers to give $1.2bn, $600m, $500m and $300m respectively to make Windows Phone 8 smartphones in 201...

Adobe add support for 3D printing to Photoshop

Adobe has revealed the addition of three features to the Photoshop CC, one of which is support for editing and printing of 3D models. Initially, Photoshop supported 3D but the features were limited for user...

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Google to acquire Nest Labs for $3.2 billion

Google Inc. has agreed a deal to buy home thermostat maker Nest Labs for a fee of $3.2 billion. Nest Labs was founded in 2011 by Tony Fadell and Matt Rogers who are both former employees of Apple Inc. and this has made the deal more interestin...

Monday, January 13, 2014

Quotes for the Week: Larry Ellison (1944 - )

Larry Ellison is an American businessman and the co-founder of Oracle Corporation. Ellison has been the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Oracle since 1977 which makes him the longest serving CEO in Silicon valley’s histor...

Saturday, January 11, 2014

At the ongoing Consumer Electronic Show (CES) 2014 in Las Vegas, Panasonic has unveiled a mega 20-inch tablet that has two major unique features: screen size and an expensive pric...

Friday, January 10, 2014

Apple and Samsung CEOs agree to meet over patent disputes

A court injunction has revealed that the Chief Executive Officers of Samsung and Apple will meet for mediation over the patent disputes that will see Apple attempt to ban sales of Samsung smartphones and tablets in the U. S. in Marc...
Hellofood is an African company that brings convenience in the way we take food today. Hellofood, based in about 7 African countries including Nigeria is well equipped to take care of your food need...

Thursday, January 9, 2014

The first iPhone was announced exactly 7 years ago

On this day in 2007, an announcement from the late Apple boss, Steve Jobs changed the future of smartphones and further cemented Jobs’ position as an innovator. He unveiled a single device which contained a cell phone, an iPod and an internet communicator. The device was named an iPhon...

Samsung and LG bring new incredible TVs

At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, many groundbreaking products have been revealed by different manufacturers but the steal of the show may have been Samsung and LG for their bendable TV...

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Quotes for the Week: George Eastman (1854 - 1932)

George Eastman was an American inventor, businessman, and philanthropist. Eastman was popularly known for popularizing the use of film in photography and also founding the Eastman Kodak Compan...

Saturday, January 4, 2014

What do you know about Nigeria’s Communication Satellites?

Nigerian communication satellites are being managed by the Nigerian Communication Satellite (NIGCOMSAT) Limited. The company was incorporated on the 4th of April, 2006 under the Federal Ministry of Information and Communications Technolog...

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A happy new year to you all

Yes, this is 2014 and we are happy to see it. Last year had many stories in it and this year promises to bring better stories which we are prepared to bring to you when they occu...